Thursday, September 30, 2010
Monday, September 27, 2010
Higham Shipyard
Most of my weekend was taken up by the STELLAR social media conference, PodCamp 5 Boston Tessie spent most of the weekend sleeping.
But for the time I WAS home, we tried to get out and about. And what better want than to visit out new favorite store- Unleashed - this time in the Higham Shipyard!
So...naturally...we got lost on the way there. I left my GPS in Rhode Island and have been reminded multiple times this past week why I bought the GPS in the first place. I have no sense of direction. Got lost going to PodCamp. And got lost going to Unleased.
While lost, we stopped for gas. Tessie - somehow knowing that we were lost - was cranky. We were at a full service station, where the nice gas pumping gentleman offered Tessie a bone! She snubbed it.
But me and my pissed off puppy eventually reached the Shipyard...

Ta-da! Doesn't Tessie look SO excited to be there? Yeah. She was mad until we got inside, where she found a new favorite food - dog oreos. They are like two biscuts with yougart inside. Shewas much happier after bribing the woman who worked there to give her one.

She was a big fan of the grounds there in general. Our afternoon was cut short when it started to rain, but she at least got to mark her territory all over their mini golf course!

She was in a much better mood when we got back in the car and finally ate the bone from the gas station.
We darted over to PetSmart in Braintree from there. I'm running all over town looking for a sweatshirt for her - she's too big for a medium but too small for a large. I'll find something. At PetSmart, we ran into her favorite trainer Colleen and two of her old classmates from her puppy training class last year!!
After catching up for a while, we did some shopping. No sweatshirts. However, Tessie - who is usually nervous in stores and could care less about toys - picked out a squeaky toy. She literally took it off the shelf and started shaking it. So what choice did I have but to buy it for her?
She loves it so much that, as soon as we got in the car, she went in the bag and took it out! She NEVER does that!
Everyone ended up happy with that one....she got a new toy, I got the picture for my annual Halloween card.

Best $3.00 I ever spent! Tessie spent most of the weekend sleeping.
But for the time I WAS home, we tried to get out and about. And what better want than to visit out new favorite store- Unleashed - this time in the Higham Shipyard!
So...naturally...we got lost on the way there. I left my GPS in Rhode Island and have been reminded multiple times this past week why I bought the GPS in the first place. I have no sense of direction. Got lost going to PodCamp. And got lost going to Unleased.
While lost, we stopped for gas. Tessie - somehow knowing that we were lost - was cranky. We were at a full service station, where the nice gas pumping gentleman offered Tessie a bone! She snubbed it.
But me and my pissed off puppy eventually reached the Shipyard...

Ta-da! Doesn't Tessie look SO excited to be there? Yeah. She was mad until we got inside, where she found a new favorite food - dog oreos. They are like two biscuts with yougart inside. Shewas much happier after bribing the woman who worked there to give her one.

She was a big fan of the grounds there in general. Our afternoon was cut short when it started to rain, but she at least got to mark her territory all over their mini golf course!

She was in a much better mood when we got back in the car and finally ate the bone from the gas station.
We darted over to PetSmart in Braintree from there. I'm running all over town looking for a sweatshirt for her - she's too big for a medium but too small for a large. I'll find something. At PetSmart, we ran into her favorite trainer Colleen and two of her old classmates from her puppy training class last year!!
After catching up for a while, we did some shopping. No sweatshirts. However, Tessie - who is usually nervous in stores and could care less about toys - picked out a squeaky toy. She literally took it off the shelf and started shaking it. So what choice did I have but to buy it for her?
She loves it so much that, as soon as we got in the car, she went in the bag and took it out! She NEVER does that!
Everyone ended up happy with that one....she got a new toy, I got the picture for my annual Halloween card.

Best $3.00 I ever spent!
Friday, September 24, 2010
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Pooped Puppy
...third and final day of an exhausting weekend! Auntie Emily's Housewarming!
It took Tessie a little while to wake up.

This is how she spent the better half of the day:

But not all day! Here she is playing "Super Tessie" with her Uncle Matt - he picks her up and she stick out her back's the cutest thing

She loves him.
She also spent quite a bit of time sleeping with her Auntie Jess.

Neither one of them are big drinkers.
It took Tessie a little while to wake up.

This is how she spent the better half of the day:

But not all day! Here she is playing "Super Tessie" with her Uncle Matt - he picks her up and she stick out her back's the cutest thing

She loves him.
She also spent quite a bit of time sleeping with her Auntie Jess.

Neither one of them are big drinkers.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Movin' Right Along!
Back in the car for day #2!
After our adventures in Allston, we ran home, picked up the cupcakes, and skipped to Grandma's house!
Tessie, always willing to lend a hand, assisted her Uncle David in packing the cooler...

...then took care of ordering the coffee with her Grandma!

Honestly, what would we do without out little navigator?

Once at the cookout, Tessie socialized - as usual - and decided to crash on my lap. Since it was chilly, I gave her my scarf to use as a blanket. Spoiled much?

One last picture of her spending time with her Auntie :)

By the look on her face, I think she was all partied out...
After our adventures in Allston, we ran home, picked up the cupcakes, and skipped to Grandma's house!
Tessie, always willing to lend a hand, assisted her Uncle David in packing the cooler...

...then took care of ordering the coffee with her Grandma!

Honestly, what would we do without out little navigator?

Once at the cookout, Tessie socialized - as usual - and decided to crash on my lap. Since it was chilly, I gave her my scarf to use as a blanket. Spoiled much?

One last picture of her spending time with her Auntie :)

By the look on her face, I think she was all partied out...
Monday, September 20, 2010
Think I'll Go to Boston...
Big weekend for Tessie! Friday night we stayed with Uncle Brett, Auntie Sarah and Uncle Matt in Allston. Saturday was a cookout in Leominster. Sunday was a housewarming in Northboro. Lots of pictures.
Let's start with Friday.

Friday night Tessie stayed in Uncle Brett's room - all by herself! - for the first time while we all went out.

Despite the Benadryl I gave her before going out, she was basicially doing backflips when we got home. But the apartment was still standing, so hopefully she wasn't that stressed while we were gone.
As with any 20-something crowd on a Friday night, drinking commenced.

Did I mention she doesn't like beer?
Anyways, her refusal to drink allowed her to wake on Saturday morning bright-eyed and bushy-tailed....unlike her mom.

She waited patiently while we pulled outselves together.
First on the list - a much needed Dunkin Donuts run. We stayed outside while Uncle Brett ran in.

Then off to our ultimate destination - our new favorite story - Unleashed by Petco

Such a cute place!! With events like "Boston Terrier Bee-Bop" dance parties and group football viewings, I was in heaven! Tessie, however, was more interested in Brett's breakfast sandwich.

While she was distracted, I took the oppertuity to get some shopping done. I've been meaning to get her a new winter jacket, and totally found her the perfect one:

She loves it, I swear.
Let's start with Friday.

Friday night Tessie stayed in Uncle Brett's room - all by herself! - for the first time while we all went out.

Despite the Benadryl I gave her before going out, she was basicially doing backflips when we got home. But the apartment was still standing, so hopefully she wasn't that stressed while we were gone.
As with any 20-something crowd on a Friday night, drinking commenced.

Did I mention she doesn't like beer?
Anyways, her refusal to drink allowed her to wake on Saturday morning bright-eyed and bushy-tailed....unlike her mom.
She waited patiently while we pulled outselves together.
First on the list - a much needed Dunkin Donuts run. We stayed outside while Uncle Brett ran in.

Then off to our ultimate destination - our new favorite story - Unleashed by Petco

Such a cute place!! With events like "Boston Terrier Bee-Bop" dance parties and group football viewings, I was in heaven! Tessie, however, was more interested in Brett's breakfast sandwich.

While she was distracted, I took the oppertuity to get some shopping done. I've been meaning to get her a new winter jacket, and totally found her the perfect one:

She loves it, I swear.
Friday, September 17, 2010
A is for the Address on the Letter
Tessie doesn't drink.
Now, I know that isn't a line you often hear when discussing those individuals who had just celebrated their second birthday. But it's true. Some dogs like wine. Not Tessie. Some like beer. Not Tessie.
For a while, I was almost concerned she wasn't destined part of my Irish family after all!
But one night her Uncle Brett and I realized....

The girl just has expensive taste.
Now, I know that isn't a line you often hear when discussing those individuals who had just celebrated their second birthday. But it's true. Some dogs like wine. Not Tessie. Some like beer. Not Tessie.
For a while, I was almost concerned she wasn't destined part of my Irish family after all!
But one night her Uncle Brett and I realized....

The girl just has expensive taste.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
America Runs on Dunkin
Attempting to be nice to my bank account, I have limited my addiction to one iced coffee a week. Saturday mornings, to be exact. And only on Saturday mornings I am en route somewhere fabulous that takes over an hour to reach. Stay-at-home-in-pajama Saturdays? No iced coffee.
So a Saturday a few weeks ago, I was staying in, but was having a rough morning, so decided to splurg and get myself an iced coffee. Still in my pajamas, I loaded Tessie into the car for her favorite activity basicially ever - we went for a ride.
And I really splurged. A MEDIUM iced coffee. (I know. My life? Insanely exciting. I can hardly stand it myself)

I almost skipped back to my apartment. Tessie, thrilled with having gone for her beloved ride AND getting to lick the consensation off the coffee cup (another one of her favorite things) seemed right in step with me.
Until we got to the door.
It happened in slow motion.
A group of neighbors outside my door with their dogs. Me, in my pajamas, already trying not to make eye contact and fumbling for my keys. One offers to help me. She has her dog with her, a stranger to Tessie, and is coming closer fast.
Tessie charges. The coffee goes in the air.
My heart was broken. And I was ready to kill my dog. Who must have known this, because in one swift move she pulled out of her collar and made a run for the group of dogs.
Her ultimate "oh shit" face was on when I caught her.
After over an hour, I calmed down enough to forgive and forget. We got back in the car and made a second trip to Dunkin Donuts.

Good thing I love her.
So a Saturday a few weeks ago, I was staying in, but was having a rough morning, so decided to splurg and get myself an iced coffee. Still in my pajamas, I loaded Tessie into the car for her favorite activity basicially ever - we went for a ride.
And I really splurged. A MEDIUM iced coffee. (I know. My life? Insanely exciting. I can hardly stand it myself)

I almost skipped back to my apartment. Tessie, thrilled with having gone for her beloved ride AND getting to lick the consensation off the coffee cup (another one of her favorite things) seemed right in step with me.
Until we got to the door.
It happened in slow motion.
A group of neighbors outside my door with their dogs. Me, in my pajamas, already trying not to make eye contact and fumbling for my keys. One offers to help me. She has her dog with her, a stranger to Tessie, and is coming closer fast.
Tessie charges. The coffee goes in the air.
My heart was broken. And I was ready to kill my dog. Who must have known this, because in one swift move she pulled out of her collar and made a run for the group of dogs.
Her ultimate "oh shit" face was on when I caught her.
After over an hour, I calmed down enough to forgive and forget. We got back in the car and made a second trip to Dunkin Donuts.

Good thing I love her.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Once Upon A Dream
Once upon a time, there was a princess feist/chihuahua mix named Tessie.

She was born in an overcrowded shelter in Georgia, but was rescued by a fairy godmother (aka adoption service) and quickly transported to a foster parent in Whitensville, MA.
Through the magic of PetSmart Adoptions, Tessie found me. For years I had wanted to adopt a puppy, and the day her photo popped into my search results, I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt she and I were meant to be. (Cue "Once Upon a Dream" from Sleeping Beauty)
Her adoption picture - look at those eyes!
I was a 24-yr-old marketing professional, working in the city, who had just traded in my city pumps for orange sweatpants and moved in with my then-boyfriend in the suburbs. The house even had a white picket fence.
But, as in all fairy tales, trouble was on the horizon.
(Cue battle scene in an Arabian Desert, featuring Aladdin-style guards battling a feisty Irish brigade)
When the storm cleared, Tessie and I made a run for the city lights that felt so much like home. Somehow, our great leap only took us as far as Quincy, a suburb of Boston, where we began adjusting to our new lives and attempted to pick up the pieces of the old one.

"Getting that dog was the biggest mistake you ever made" were the famous last words of my ex before we sashayed out of Pleasantville.
The mere existence of the blog begs to differ. Tessie is, without a doubt, the shining light in my life. Bringing a dog into your life is the greatest thing I believe a person can do. They are the most loving, loyal, wonderful creatures, and the best companions one could ever ask for. And yes, why, I am a dog person, thank you for asking!
But he wasn't completely wrong.
Having a dog completely changes your life, and not always for the better. I cannot count the number of times I was told this before adopting, but I never fully understood it until now. So haters to the left. This blog is not about putting Tessie in cute costumes, writing as if she was the one at the keyboard, or rambling about, zomg, the cute way she looked at me this morning.

(Ok....not JUST about those things)
It's also about the real-life adventures of a single pet parent who is caught somewhere between Boston and Providence and is still, almost a year later, trying to get back to the care-free, urban-flavored Bostonian she once +1.
It's about the life and experiences of dog born in a shelter, raised in the suburbs, and living a happy life with her constantly exhausted, spread-too-thin mom and adoring extended family (while she only has one "biological," she has about 30 adoring aunts and uncles).
It's the story of what happens when invited to a family party or friend's house, and questions "Can I bring Tessie?" or "Is it puppy friendly?" are the first words out of my mouth. Or worse, the ever-dreaded "I'm sorry, I can't, I can't get a puppy-sitter that weekend."
It's about the realities of working late, visiting friends, wearing black, dating, apartment searching, grocery shopping, heating/cooling bills and a million other things you don't think twice about before having a dog. Actually, it's mostly about pictures.
On that note, I have rambled here long enough. It's Tessie's turn to tell her story, through photos from our everyday lives. And it's time for me to put the millions I take of her to good use. Because, despite the insanity that furry monster has brought into my life, I am happy to say this story ends with... (wait for it)....

She was born in an overcrowded shelter in Georgia, but was rescued by a fairy godmother (aka adoption service) and quickly transported to a foster parent in Whitensville, MA.
Through the magic of PetSmart Adoptions, Tessie found me. For years I had wanted to adopt a puppy, and the day her photo popped into my search results, I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt she and I were meant to be. (Cue "Once Upon a Dream" from Sleeping Beauty)

On the last Sunday in May of 2009, this shaking one-year-old puppy was in the back of my Toyota Corolla, one her way to change both of our lives.
I was a 24-yr-old marketing professional, working in the city, who had just traded in my city pumps for orange sweatpants and moved in with my then-boyfriend in the suburbs. The house even had a white picket fence.
But, as in all fairy tales, trouble was on the horizon.
(Cue battle scene in an Arabian Desert, featuring Aladdin-style guards battling a feisty Irish brigade)
When the storm cleared, Tessie and I made a run for the city lights that felt so much like home. Somehow, our great leap only took us as far as Quincy, a suburb of Boston, where we began adjusting to our new lives and attempted to pick up the pieces of the old one.

"Getting that dog was the biggest mistake you ever made" were the famous last words of my ex before we sashayed out of Pleasantville.
The mere existence of the blog begs to differ. Tessie is, without a doubt, the shining light in my life. Bringing a dog into your life is the greatest thing I believe a person can do. They are the most loving, loyal, wonderful creatures, and the best companions one could ever ask for. And yes, why, I am a dog person, thank you for asking!
But he wasn't completely wrong.
Having a dog completely changes your life, and not always for the better. I cannot count the number of times I was told this before adopting, but I never fully understood it until now. So haters to the left. This blog is not about putting Tessie in cute costumes, writing as if she was the one at the keyboard, or rambling about, zomg, the cute way she looked at me this morning.

(Ok....not JUST about those things)
It's also about the real-life adventures of a single pet parent who is caught somewhere between Boston and Providence and is still, almost a year later, trying to get back to the care-free, urban-flavored Bostonian she once +1.
It's about the life and experiences of dog born in a shelter, raised in the suburbs, and living a happy life with her constantly exhausted, spread-too-thin mom and adoring extended family (while she only has one "biological," she has about 30 adoring aunts and uncles).
It's the story of what happens when invited to a family party or friend's house, and questions "Can I bring Tessie?" or "Is it puppy friendly?" are the first words out of my mouth. Or worse, the ever-dreaded "I'm sorry, I can't, I can't get a puppy-sitter that weekend."
It's about the realities of working late, visiting friends, wearing black, dating, apartment searching, grocery shopping, heating/cooling bills and a million other things you don't think twice about before having a dog. Actually, it's mostly about pictures.
On that note, I have rambled here long enough. It's Tessie's turn to tell her story, through photos from our everyday lives. And it's time for me to put the millions I take of her to good use. Because, despite the insanity that furry monster has brought into my life, I am happy to say this story ends with... (wait for it)....

....and they lived happily ever after.
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