This year I'm more excited than the marathon than usual because I'm actually a runner now! (gasp!) I am not a 26.2 mile runner, but I did participate in yesterday's BAA 5k!
Yay me! And finished in only 31:51, which is only 2 seconds later than my best time (31:49 for you non-math people) and - considering it was uphill far more than I am used to - isn't too shabby :)
And what did Tessie do while I was doing this, you ask?
She stayed home with Grandma (and Grampa Tom) while I was in the city for the weekend. But don't feel too bad for her. When I got home I made sure she got a piece of the glory:
We're planning to do a doggy 5k this summer, even if we have to walk it. Afterall, she's my original running buddy!
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