Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree

It's Tessie's first Christmas tree!

Much "rocking" took place with Tessie and her Uncle David

She spent most of the day curiously watching her grandma...

..examining everything from the ornaments to the extension chords.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Movin on Out!


We moved!

Yes - that's right - Tessie & I have relocated from Quincy to Cranston, putting us in apartment purgatory. We're living the dream of every young professional and her puppy....we have moved back to my mom's house.

And I don't even have the excuse of being unemployed! I'm still commuting to work in Boston!

Oh, it has been a fun couple weeks. And it will continue to be as I commute 4 hours each way through the holiday season. Words cannot express the joys of the MBTA Commuter Rail.

Le sigh.

But yes, due to circumstances out of my control (aka Equity Residential - the company owning my apartment complex - going up on my rent $200/month) Tessie and I had no choice but to take an intermission from my adult life and move into my mom's house. Luckily for us, she has a big house with lots of space and a backyard! But like anything else, there are issues.

Tessie is adjusting as well as any puppy can. Actually, better than expected. She loves her Grandma, and Grandma's house has always been her second home. I leave and come home at crazy hours, but luckily her Grandma can take her out in the morning and at night.

We still visit her friends when we stay with her Auntie Jess (who she'll be staying with next month while I'm on the cruuuise).

Anyways, that all happened over a month ago, so it's old news now and kinda boring. Onto the next!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Puppy Hiatus

Sorry we've been on hiatus! Big moves, crazy holidays, blah blah blah.

Back to our regularly scheduled programing shortly!

Thursday, November 4, 2010


A few days late, but Happy Halloween!

Tessie, being my significant other, and I simply had to link our costumes. So we went as Cruella de Ville and one of the 101 dalmatians.

My gf Jess had a party at her apartment, so Tessie was delighted to be a part of the festivities. Naturally she spent the entire time scavenging for food...

...but found some time in her busy schedule to socialize.

She even took time to sing some karaoke!

(she's such a diva)

At the end of the night, she did what so many do and crashed on the couch with the boys. Overall, a successful Halloween

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Pumpernickel's Pumpkin

From the moment I brought it home she didn't know what to make of it.

The first few weeks we had it, it sat on the table, Tessie keeping a suspicious eye on it. Then came pumpkin-carving night.

She inspected it for a while while I got the carving tools ready. The, suddenly, a lightbulb went on and she went running into the bedroom....

...returning with her stuffed pumpkin. My dog is a genius.

Tessie was amazed by the whole thing. She tried to eat the pumpkin seeds multiple times (she went crazy for them once they were roasted) but generally just watched and played with her pumpkin. I wish I had pictures of it, but she would get so close to me she would actually stand on her hind legs, her front paws on my back, watching!

The finished product! My paw print pumpkin :)

"What are you?"




Thursday, October 21, 2010

Mary Kay Party

Over the winter I held a Mary Kay party for my girlfriends with Mary Kay extraordinaire, Velinda Barrier.

There were drinks, snacks, makeovers, tutorials, and crowns!

Tessie was not impressed.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Meshanticut Park

Fulfilling our role as leaf-peeking New Englanders, we took Tessums walking in Meshanticut Park in Cranston yesterday. Not much to tell but the pictures are pretty!