There's tons of smells with the beachfront restaurants, plenty of people passing, and lots and lots of other dogs to check out. In the summer heat, there are plenty of shaded benches to stop for a drink of water.

But Tessie's very favorite thing is the wall running along the edge of the sand! She walks along the entire length of it, jumping down when there is a break in it, and back up when it picks up again.

Some dogs love the sand, but Tessie isn't crazy about it. She has only seemed to really enjoy it once. One day, after sitting on the wall watching a volleyball game, she jumped down and started digging. Digging, digging, digging into a hole over a foot deep. Suddenly she stopped and squatted in it. Very dignified, she jumped out and trotted away.
And even though it gets dark out earlier, there's no better time to walk than the fall. (less people around too!) The view of the city is gorgeous at night, especially when watching the lights from the planes landing in Logan.

Tessie doesn't seem to appreciate it as much.

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