But Tessie....that's a horse of a different color. And one of her favorite walks is along Comm Ave in the Back Bay.
Tuesday night Lady Moonrose (aka my mom) had a reading right on Comm Ave, and I (being her manager) dropped her off and planned on walking Tessie for the time she was doing the reading.
Tessie, however, was not so happy about the idea of leaving her Grandma behind.

She refused to walk. REFUSED. I made it a whole block in 15 minutes, a distance that is usually covered in one. Not even taking pictures and walking in circles around monuments would distract her (which is weird, because those almost always work on me).

Finally I gave up, allowing her to walk back in the direction from which we came. Tessie leading the way, the four paws flying, I planned to walk her PAST the apartment we came from, up to the Public Garden and back.

As usual, I underestimated her.
Tessie knew the exact spot we had turned, the exact apartment to head towards, and was crying to see her grandma the second before I even hit the buzzer.

I cannot win with this dog.
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